Recognized as one of world's leading experts in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and  Qigong/Tai-Chi and other Self-Healing Therapies. Dr. Jin specializes in treating tough cases of Infertility, Hearing / Vision Disorders, Pain Management and Sports Injuries Rehabilitation and has been practicing Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine for over 42 years (24 in China, 18 in USA) while treating over 100,000 patients (Including many world-class sports athletes) with excellent results. During the late 1960s ', Dr. Jin studied under the tutelage of the late Dr. Mian-Zhai Jiao, one of the four most famous Acupuncturists and Qigong Masters in modern China. Later on, Dr. Jin gained numerous insights and studied alongside Dr. Jia Wei, Director and Professor of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and as well as Dr. Kui-Shan, Zheng, past Chairman of Acupuncture Institute, China Academy of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 1988, Dr. Jin cofounded the Chinese Chronobiology and Chronomedicine Society and served as an Executive Director for 5 years. After coming to U.S., he completed his Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Dept. of Radiology and Biophysics at Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee in 1991. Later, Dr. Jin was awarded "Grandfather " status after becoming a boarded certified Acupuncturist and he was one of the first seventeen board certified Diplomats of Chinese Herbology (NCCAOM) in USA, Dr. Jin also served on the Wisconsin State Acupuncture Advisory Committee for over 10 years and is a frequent lecturer and keynote speaker at medical conferences world-wide that were awarded numerous honors. Dr. Jin has authored 19 books over his career, including representative works of "Contemporary Medical Acupuncture - A Systems Approach ", Springer Publisher, 2007, and "Clinical Reflexology of Acupuncture and Moxibustion ", Beijing Science and Technology Press, 2004.

89-present  Director of Care / Chief Acupuncturist, Ace Acupuncture Clinic of Milwaukee
91-93 Staff Acupuncturist / Chinese Medical Consultatnt, Competitive Edge Sports Medicine Health Services
91-92 Visiting Professor, Dept of Radiology & Biophysics, Medical College of WI
82-88  Professor, Dept of Physiology, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University (formerly of Zhejiang Medical University), China.

05-present Honorary Professor, Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China
04-05 Founding President, Society of Chinese American Professors & Scientists (SoCAPS)
04-06 Associate Editor, "Medical Physiology", Higher Education Press of China, Beijing,  2005.
98-present President, International Institute of Holistic Medicine (IIHM)
94-04 Advisor, Wisconsin State Acupuncture Advisory Board
03-present Editor, “On the Frontiers of Science” Book Series, Popular Science Writings by SoCAPS
96-03 President, Chair of the Board, Advisor, Association of Chinese Scientists and Engineers, USA


  • PI (Principal Investigator) and recipient of a 5-year grant for Government Medical Education Program was awarded by the National Bureau of Hygiene, China, 1989.
  • Authored a book titled "Key to Intelligence: The Best Method of Learning" was awarded "Third Class" honor in 1988 at Zhejiang Province, China.
  • Authored a paper titled "The effects of acute increases in afterload on genesis of ventricular arrhythmias in rabbits" was awarded "Third Class" honor in 1986 at Zhejiang Province, China.
  • Authored a research paper titled "Atrial arrhythmias induced by stimulation of different areas of the hypothalamus in rabbits" was awarded "Third Class" honor in 1985 at Zhejiang Province, China.
  • Received a 2-year grant for Acupuncture Research was provided by the Bureau of Hygiene, Zhejiang Province, China, 1988.
  • Introduced a new theory on the Distribution Rules of Acupuncture Points that was awarded "First Class" honor in 1988 at the National Conference of Medical Science Methodology in China, and once more in June of 1990 at the Fifth International Conference of Chinese Medicine in San Francisco.


  Out of 18 Books >>

  • Jin GY, Xiang JJ, and Jin L: Contemporary Medical Acupuncture - A Systems Approach, Springer-Verlag Publisher, USA & Higher Education Press, PRC, 2006
  • Jin GY, Xiang JJ, and Jin L: Clinical Reflexology of Acupuncture (Chinese). Beijing Science Technology Press, Beijing, China, 2004
  • Jin GY, Jin L, and Xiang JJ: Self-Healing with Chinese Medicine, International Institute of Holistic Medicine, Milwaukee, WI, USA 2004
  • Jin GY, Xiang JJ: Elderly Conceive in USA. North Mountain Cultural Press, Shangxi, China, 2004
  • Jin GY, Xiang JJ: Contemporary Chronomedicine. Hunan Science and Technology Press, Changsa, Hunan, China, 1993
  • Jin GY: Biological Clock and Health. Fujian Science and Technology Press, Fuzhou,Fujiang, China, 1988
  • Jin GY, Xiang JJ, and Jin L: Atlas of Whole Body Reflex Zones. International Institute of Holistic Medicine, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 1998
  • Jin  GY, Bao WJ: Acupuncture and Cybernetics, Science Committee of Xihu District Press, Hangzhou, China, 1978.
  • Jin GY: Mechanisms on Neural Regulation of the Body Temperature and its  Clinical Application, Physiological and Clinical Aspects on the Autonomic Nervous System, P257-P282, People’s Hygiene Press,Beijing, China, 1993  
  • Jin GY: Keys to Intelligence: The Best Method of Learning, Shanxi Science and Technology Press, Xian, China, 1986
  • Jin GY, Cheng GX, Wang XJ: Laboratory Guidance for Physiology,  Zhejiang Medical University Press, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 1988  
  • Jin SS, Zheng XM and Jin GY: Cybernetic Chemistry and its Application, Zhejiang University Press, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 2000  
  • Jin  GY and Xiang JJ: Series 1: Overseas Doctors Perspectives – Humors & Comics, Chongqing Press, Chongqing, China, 2000  
  • Jin  GY and Xiang JJ: Series 2: Overseas Doctors Perspectives – Short Stories & Folktales, Chongqing Press, Chongqing, China, 2000  
  • Jin  GY and Xiang JJ: Series 3: Overseas Doctors Perspectives – Poetry N' Pictures, Chongqing Press, Chongqing, China, 2000  


In addition to his books, Dr. Jin also published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers on various fields, including Medicine (Chinese medicine, medical acupuncture, physiology, cardiology, neurology, chronomedicine, oncology), Science (Chemistry), Education, Liberal Arts (Poetry,  literature) .